
  • Andreas Ahrens Dr.-Ing. habil., Professor, Hochschule Wismar (DE)
  • Jelena Zascerinska Dr. Paed., Leading researcher, Centre for Education and Innovation Research, Riga (LV)
  • Saule Amanzholova Dr., Assistant professor, International Information Technology University, Almaty (KZ)
  • Gulnara Zakirova Dr., Associated professor, International Information Technology University, Almaty (KZ)
  • Ludmila Aļeksejeva MA, Researcher, Centre for Education and Innovation Research, Riga (LV)



community, digital economy, ICT companies, ICT higher education, master level, needs analysis, regional development


The correspondence between ICT master programmes and requirements of ICT companies is shaped via needs analysis. The research aim: The aim of the present article is to analyse the empirical results of the study of needs of ICT companies, underpinning the elaboration of implications on ICT master programmes. The primary methods used: Exploratory research has been implemented within the present work. The representatives of four ICT companies, namely CISCO, KAIB, Kaspersky Lab and Soft Com, took part in the focus group interview organised at International Information Technology University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, in October 2019. A brief description of the main research results: The theoretical findings of the present research allow concluding that ICT companies and the universities belong to the local or regional community. The structuring content analysis allows identifying the areas of universities-companies cooperation, namely academic staff training, students’ training, provision of universities with modern equipment, joint elaboration of the content of ICT master programmes, organisation of joint laboratories including virtual laboratories, ensuring practice and internships for students, etc. The summarising content analysis highlights the need in cooperation between universities and companies to strengthen the sustainable development of the digital economy in the region. The novelty of the present work is formulated in the implications on ICT master programmes. Directions of further research are formulated.



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How to Cite

Ahrens, A., Zascerinska, J., Amanzholova, S., Zakirova, G., & Aļeksejeva, L. (2021). ANALYSIS OF ICT COMPANIES’ NEEDS FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF ICT HIGHER EDUCATION AT MASTER LEVEL: THE CASE OF KAZAKHSTAN. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 12, 8-17.