
  • Andreas Ahrens Dr.-Ing. habil., Professor, Hochschule Wismar (DE)
  • Jelena Zascerinska Dr. Paed., Leading researcher, Centre for Education and Innovation Research, Riga (LV)
  • Julija Melnikova Dr., Lecturer, Klaipeda University, Klaipeda (LT)
  • Virginija Jurgaityte MA., Lecturer, Klaipeda University, Klaipeda (LT)
  • Ludmila Aleksejeva MA, Researcher, Centre for Education and Innovation Research, Riga (LV)
  • Olga Gukovica BA, Scientific Assistant, Centre for Education and Innovation Research, Riga (LV)



adult education, culturally responsive teaching, immigrants, case study, interpretive approach


Adult education has been criticized for its lack of focus on sociocultural aspects of individual learners, largely ignoring the importance of cultural identity to the learning process. The article’s aim is to investigate culturally responsive teaching of immigrants in adult education, theoretically and empirically underpinning the implementation of a case study for the elaboration of implications on culturally responsive teaching of immigrants in adult education. Research methods include theoretical and empirical methods. Theoretical methods imply analysis of theoretical sources and theoretical modelling. The empirical study was based on a case study. The sample was composed of 20 adult learners and three teachers of Swedish in May 2019 and February 2020. The case study was implemented at Folkuniversitetet, Kristianstad, Sweden. The theoretical findings allow defining religion and human comfort conditions such as thermal comfort as the dimensions of cultural norms and values to be addressed by culturally responsive teaching of immigrants. The findings of the empirical study allow drawing the conclusion on the necessity of a personalised approach to an adult learner in culturally responsive teaching of immigrants. The novelty of the present work is revealed in the implications on culturally responsive teaching of immigrants. Further research is proposed.

Supporting Agencies
The present work has been carried out within the Nordplus Adult project 2019 entitled “Development of digital entrepreneurship, addressing the needs of immigrants and asylum seekers”.



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How to Cite

Ahrens, A., Zascerinska, J., Melnikova, J., Jurgaityte, V., Aleksejeva, L., & Gukovica, O. (2021). CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING OF IMMIGRANTS IN ADULT EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY IN SWEDEN. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 12, 18-27.