
  • Viktorija Maļkeviča Mg.soc.sc., LMT Retail & Logistics (LV)
  • Anda Zvaigzne Dr.oec., Research Institute for Business and Social Processes, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Sandra Murinska Dr.sc.comm., Research Institute for Business and Social Processes, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)




communication technologies, information technologies, mobile communications, telecommunications, communication services offered, competitiveness


The development of telecommunications plays an essential role in the economy, as it affects the opportunities for communication between economic actors at both the national and global levels. Today mobile communication companies, which provide quality communication and information retrieval opportunities through the variety of their services, technological features and tariff plans, are important telecommunication providers.

The aim of the present research is to examine the leading mobile communication service providers in Latvia by employing the theoretical findings of communication technology and telecommunications.

The research used the following methods: monographic, induction and deduction, graphic, comparison, as well as competitiveness assessment based on the competitiveness index.

The research described the theoretical aspects of telecommunications, examined the leading mobile communication service providers in Latvia, their most important financial performance indicators, services and tariff plans offered as well as assessed their competitiveness.

Examining the mobile tariff plans and the services included therein, it was found that they were quite similar. However, an examination of each offer in more detail revealed that there were many nuances that were important to the client and that should be paid attention to.

After assessing the competitiveness of the leading mobile communication providers, it was concluded that Latvijas Mobilas Telefons scored the highest number of points, Bite Latvija was in second place and Tele 2 took third place. An assessment of the key factors of competitiveness for the providers revealed that the company Latvijas Mobilais Telefons needed to improve the positions where its competitors had higher ratings: its discount system, the prices of services and the supply of services.



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How to Cite

Maļkeviča, V., Zvaigzne, A., & Murinska, S. (2021). EXAMINATION OF MOBILE COMMUNICATION SERVICE PROVIDERS IN LATVIA. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 12, 118-130. https://doi.org/10.17770/jresd2020vol1.12.5393