
  • Iordanis Katemliadis Senior Lecturer, City Unity College Nicosia, Nicosia (CY)



Benchmarking, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs), EFQM, stakeholder, tourism


The aim of this paper is to review the existing literature regarding Destination Management Organizations (DMO) and the various stakeholders that the destination consists of. The paper covers the preliminary stage of the whole research which will cover existing theories such as business ecosystem and stakeholder theories and it will also suggest for future research a systemic approach towards destinations in order to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. Finally, it will examine the various methodological tools such as benchmarking and EFQM that exist and can be used in order to research the topic.  The aim is to identify the need for future research to develop an optimal model of effective DMO.



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How to Cite

Katemliadis, I. (2021). THE FUTURE ROLE OF DESTINATION MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONS: THEORIES AND METHODOLOGICAL TOOLS. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 12, 107-117.