
  • Stewart Musarapasi Hons Accounting Nust Zim, MBA (CY)
  • Zanete Garanti Associate professor, City Unity College Nicosia, Nicosia (CY)




authoritarian leadership, ethical leadership, employee competencies, performance management practices, employee performance


The purpose and objective of this paper is to identify the effects from key selected independent variables namely Authoritarian Leadership (AL), Ethical Leadership (EL), towards a chosen dependent variable Employee Performance (EP). It also studies the mediating roles of two independents that is Employee Competencies (EC), and Performance Management Practices (PMP) when introduced to the model. A survey questionnaire for data gathering was used and issued to respondents that were bank employees on selected commercial banks located in Harare capital City of Zimbabwe, and total of 390 valid responses were gathered. SPSS version 24 was used to analyse the collected data on each variable through demographic, reliability tests, regression analysis, correlation and factor analysis during the validation process of the gathered data.  The data analysis outcome showed that all the identified variables were predictors and influential to employee performance, when analysed as individual variables. Management of companies are required to focus on mixing both the leadership element and the competency as a prerequisite practices and action towards achieving higher performance.



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How to Cite

Musarapasi, S., & Garanti, Z. (2021). EFFECTS OF AUTHORITARIAN AND ETHICAL LEADERSHIP ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: MEDIATING ROLE OF EMPLOYEE COMPETENCIES AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN ZIMBABWEAN BANKS. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 12, 143-163. https://doi.org/10.17770/jresd2020vol1.12.5404