
  • Elina Konstantinova Dr.oec., associated professor, Ventspils University (LV)
  • Aija Peršēvica Dr. paed., researcher, Association Baltic Coasts, Riga (LV)
  • Agnese Jeņina Mg. sc. ing., researcher, Association Baltic Coasts, Riga (LV)



attitude, awareness, conservation, management activities, nature, protection


The one of the largest nature parks in Latvia is Nature Park “Piejūra”. It is a very complicated area due to its valuable and sensitive coastal habitats. On the one hand, it is a territory with rich biodiversity, and on the other hand it is an area actively used by visitors and tourists due to its location close to the capital of Latvia. Therefore, implementation of sustainable nature protection, conservation and management activities is particularly important. However, as the area is widely visited, there is public resistance to the implementation of management activities. The aim of the research is to identify the level of awareness and attitude of Nature Park visitors in respect of the nature conservation, protection and management activities. To achieve the aim of the research, quantitative research methods have been used. The data allows us to conclude that the understanding of the necessary nature management and protection activities has become deeper in the society. The public understands the established restrictions and considers that there is no necessity to strengthen the restrictions, but only to promote their observance. The study confirms that the attitude towards and understanding of the nature conservation activities changes in the society if there is enough information provided and the necessity for the activities is explained.
Supporting Agencies
The research underlying this manuscript has been conducted within LIFE programme "LIFE Nature and Biodiversity" project LIFE15 NAT/LV/000900 "Coastal Habitat Conservation in Nature Park “Piejūra”"co-funded by the European Union



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How to Cite

Konstantinova, E., Peršēvica, A., & Jeņina, A. (2021). SUSTAINABLE, SMART AND RESPONSIBLE NATURE PARK TOURISM. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 13, 48-56.