
  • Iveta Mietule Dr.oec., professor, leading researcher, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Oksana Chenchak Master's student in "Management Science", assistant of researcher, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)



career-controlling, global leader, improving yourself, self-management, successful way


The changes that have taken place in the economy, politics, technology and innovation increase the requirements for management personnel, their professionalism, training and retraining. Organizations cannot take on the development of all the skills of all managers, so maintaining their constant growth and development becomes a necessity for managers and, in general, for any other person who wants to use their time efficiently and make it work. This should become a kind of habit, which is achieved by long work on yourself, the development of perseverance, as well as the ability to think rationally. Nowadays, selfmanagement and self-development of personnel are becoming a factor in the survival of the economy in market conditions, strengthening the position of management in various countries. The aim of the paper is to analyse various research studies in regard to selfmanagement and to give recommendations to improve it. The paper discusses the effective concepts and approaches of various scientists, shows the importance of self-government in work and daily life to achieve the desired success and helps to assess the effectiveness of selfgovernment at the global level. The research used the theoretical information of foreign scientists and Internet resources. The scientific research methods that were used in the research are as follows: literature analysis and synthesis, the monographic method, and content analysis.



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How to Cite

Mietule, I., & Chenchak, O. (2021). THEORETICAL BASIS AND SCIENTIFIC VIEWS ON SELFMANAGEMENT IN THE ORGANIZATION. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 13, 68-76.