
  • Nadya Wahid Dr. (Plant Biodiversity), Professor, University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Béni Mellal (MA)
  • Bassou Bouazzama Dr. (Irrigation and Modeling), Researcher, National Institute of Agronomic Research, Béni Mellal (MA)
  • Hicham El Yousfi Dr. (Economics, Professor), Mohammed V University, Rabat (MA)
  • Jelena Zascerinska Dr. paed., Scientific Assistant, Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences Technology, Business and Design, Wismar (DE) http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4664-8593




agricultural sector, damn, efficiency, irrigation, water demand, water resources, water supply


Purpose and aim of the study: The paper aim is to analyse scientific and other relevant literature on the sustainable development of the irrigated agricultural sector in Morocco.

Design / Methodology / Approach: The method of data collection is literature review. Literature review was chosen as it is the basis for further research. The obtained data is presented in accordance with the identified historical periods. A summary of results is delivered.

Main Findings: In light of scarce water resources, the technical, legal and institutional levels in the agricultural sector are permanently updated by the public authorities in order to mitigate the impact of climate change and adapt the management of water resources.

Originality: Sustainability is regarded as gradual and sequential growth and development. Sustainability means the consideration of all the stakeholders’ interests in the decision-making process.

Implications: Concerted efforts of the public authorities, companies and other stakeholders in the improvement of the efficiency of water use in agriculture through the development of localized irrigation technology and modernization of collective or private water supply networks in large irrigated areas would be beneficial for all. Innovative irrigation systems that allow the exploitation of unconventional, largely unused water resources must be developed. Low cost solutions with natural and locally available materials (Low Technology, Low Energy, Low cost, Easy to Use) should be used.

Supporting Agencies
Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) programme



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How to Cite

Wahid, N., Bouazzama, B., Yousfi, H. E., & Zascerinska, J. (2022). A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF EVOLUTION OF THE IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE SECTOR IN MOROCCO. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 14, 109-118. https://doi.org/10.17770/jresd2022vol14.6896