
  • Aija Vonoga Mg.soc.sc., research assistant, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)




ecosystem innovative companies, policy, start-ups, strategy, support


The paper is entitled Operational Aspects of Latvian Start-Ups Referred to in Strategic Policy Documents. The present research aims to analyse the operational aspects of start-ups based on the information available in various policy documents. The research examined national, regional and global-scale policy documents. Long-term strategic policy documents, which help to identify obstacles to start-up development, play an important role in the development of start-ups in Latvia. An examination of obstacles to the development of start-ups would help to contribute to the achievement of the goals set by the policy documents analysed. The research examined various kinds of policy documents. The policy documents analysed reveal trends in start-ups and public support mechanisms as well as give recommendations; therefore, the main conclusion is that the documents play an important role in the growth of start-ups because, based on empirical research findings, relevant problems could be easily identified and solved in the long term. The literature review revealed that there were relatively few policy documents specifically for start-ups; therefore, prospects for the development of policy documents in future are wide. The following specific research tasks were set: to analyse long-term policy documents in relation to start-ups; to identify the main operational aspects of start-ups; and to put forward conclusions and proposals. The research employed the monographic and descriptive methods. The author concluded that the research studies conducted in Latvia indicated a high administrative burden, whereas international research studies identified a low administrative burden in Latvia. Because of the different opinions, a repeat research study should be conducted. The further research could examine administrative procedures and their impact on the establishment of companies.



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How to Cite

Vonoga, A. (2022). OPERATIONAL ASPECTS OF LATVIAN START-UPS REFERRED TO IN STRATEGIC POLICY DOCUMENTS. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 14, 98-108. https://doi.org/10.17770/jresd2022vol14.6970