
  • Juta Dekšne PhD student, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Lienite Litavniece Dr. oec., associated professor, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Jelena Lonska Dr. oec., associated professor, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Anda Zvaigzne Dr. oec., associated professor, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)



circular economy, R strategies, food waste, sustainability


Purpose and aim of the study: As the transition to a circular economy (CE) and the reduction of food waste is a priority strategic goal for policy planning at global and European Union (EU) level, but food waste in catering has become a major sustainability issue, the aim of the paper is to identify CE strategies to reducing food waste in schools based on a systematic literature review.

Design / Methodology / Approach: The research employed qualitative methods: five-step systematic literature review methodology by Denyer & Tranfield, (2009), analysis and synthesis, as well as the monographic method. The literature was selected using the databases Google Scholar, MDPI, ScienceDirect and Scopus.

Main Findings: Based on the systematic literature review, approaches for implementing CE strategies to reduce food waste in school canteens were discovered.

Originality: This study provides a new perspective on the implementation of CE “R strategies” to reduce food waste in schools.

Implications: The results of the study can be a basis for school and canteen administration to implement CE policies and waste management practices that will promote responsible food consumption and support sustainable food consumption and waste reduction strategies, and create added value for school canteens, the environment and society in general.



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How to Cite

Dekšne, J., Litavniece, L., Lonska, J., & Zvaigzne, A. (2023). CIRCULAR ECONOMY STRATEGIES FOR REDUCING FOOD WASTE IN SCHOOLS: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 15, 29-39.