
  • Dace Zariņa M.archives,, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Iluta Arbidane Dr.oec., professor, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Daina Znotiņa, lecturer, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)



expert opinion, media monitoring, image of the border guard profession, public opinion, image management, image building


Purpose and aim of the study: Based on an assessment of the image of the border guard profession, the research aims to develop proposals on the possibilities of managing the image with the aim of building an attractive image of and positive public opinions on the profession, contributing to sustainable competitiveness of the profession and attracting potential new employees to the service.

Methodology: Information for the research was obtained from research papers on the formation and management of the image of a profession, relevant legal acts and surveys. Main findings: The research results revealed that the image of the border guard profession currently presented in the media and to the public is relatively positive, although there are increasingly frequent discussions on the low competitiveness of the border guard profession and other professions related to internal affairs in the labour market; consequently, the government services are beginning to lack personnel. Originality: To date, the image of the border guard profession has been little recognized and the potential for it has been little researched.

Implications: The present research represents the basis for further research on developing the brand of the border guard profession.




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How to Cite

Zariņa, D., Arbidane, I., & Znotiņa, D. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF THE IMAGE OF THE BORDER GUARD PROFESSION. Journal of Regional Economic and Social Development, 15, 95-105.