
  • Linda Balode Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte (LV)



Healing garden, nature, restoration, senses, sustainable development, therapeutic


Health gardens therapy is a relatively new discipline of landscape science of which many fields of research are still undiscovered. While researching the international scientific literature the more underlying theories of the health gardens need to be considered as well. In Latvia the development of senses gardens has not been enough explored. Purpose: Based on the international sensation, treatment and therapy garden studies establish perspectives for sustainable development of therapy gardens in Latvia. Materials and Methods: Summarize literature on the impact of the Latvian rehabilitation centre and medical treatment worldwide on people as well as to study information used in the Latvian statistical data bases, historical papers, scientific research literature, publications, documents, and electronic resources analysis. To explore health and rehabilitation garden sustainable development and to create new opportunities to improve their residents’ mental health. Such garden visits not only develop feelings and senses of a small child or a teenage, but also enable residents of any age with various disabilities to spend their free time interactively. Perhaps such gardens make it possible to build self-confidence in people and underpin their social inclusion.



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