
  • Inta Kotāne Mg.oec., Rēzeknes Augstskola, pētniece Rīgas Starptautiskā Biznesa un Administrācijas augstskola, doktorante (LV)



Financial indicators, non-financial indicators, importance, impartiality, interfering factors, evaluation


In this article the findings of a survey of entrepreneurs’ viewpoint are collected. It is carried out with an aim of clarifying the importance of financial and non-financial indicators in evaluating the performance of a company as well as the factors that influence the impartiality of financial and non-financial indicators and the factors that interfere with financial and non-financial analysis of a company. The topicality of this research is based on the reason that many authors have carried out research into the systems of financial and non-financial indicators. However, the arising issues are connected with the practical application because of the lack of unified approach to identifying, classifying, measuring and evaluating indicators of financial activities. This research is based on preceding theoretical work about the uses of financial and non-financial indicators in evaluating the performance of the company. The aim of this research is to carry out assessment of the importance of financial and non-financial indicators in evaluating the performance of the company, using the opinion of Latvian entrepreneurs. For this research we used method of online survey, using simple random selection or the method of real random selection.



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