
  • Inta Kotāne Mg.oec., Rēzeknes Augstskola, pētniece Rīgas Starptautiskā Biznesa un Administrācijas augstskola, doktorante, Rēzekne (LV)



Concept, economic efficiency, functional effectiveness, interpretation


The concept of efficiency is one of the most important categories of economic analysis; however, there are no unambiguous translations in English-American, Latvian and Russian. There are also contradictions in the interpretations and explanations of this concept. There are several terms used in the economic literature as well as other fields’ literature to characterize the concept of efficiency and effectiveness. However, these terms are not always similarly defined in different fields. There are several variants of the concept of efficiency, thus it is important to research the explanations of it. This study is based on the analysis of special literature as well as scientific publications in Latvia and abroad about business efficiency. The aim of this research is to research the concept of business efficiency. Common research methods are used in this research: monographic or descriptive research method and comparison method by conducting detailed research of the concept of business efficiency which is based on an extensive literature review. The results of the research show the improved definitions of the concept of business efficiency.



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