
  • Ligita Melece Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics (LV)
  • Mārtiņš Ruciņš Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)



Baltic States, development „ foreign tourists, Latvia, tourism


Tourism is recognized as one of the most important economic sectors or industries in the world and many countries see tourism as the main instrument for economic and regional development. The paper provides a short theoretical framework for tourism and its role or impact, discussing the definition of tourism and some aspects of the tourism sector. The paper presents results of studies devoted to some issues of tourism development in Latvia. Comparison of some indicators of tourism sector’s development between the Baltic States is presented. The results show that long–term development of Latvia’s tourism sector is less successful than in other Baltic States, particularly in Estonia. The trends of Latvia’s tourism sector development are indicative of recovery from crisis (2008–2009). Besides, opinions and impressions of foreign tourists have been analyzed with an aim to recognize the most important issues hampering the foreign tourists’ flow to Latvia.



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