
  • Aleksandrs Larionovs Mg.sc., Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Sandra Murinska Dr.sc.comm., assistant professor, researcher, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Anda Zvaigzne Dr.oec., associated professor, leading researcher, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)




competitiveness, competitive advantages, social networks


In the era of information, the global network has become one of the ways for expanding entrepreneurship and, consequently, various kinds of network services have emerged as well. Social networks provide the spread of information, the positioning of a company and the company’s communication with its clients. There is competition among such service providers, their services are diverse and the social networking opportunities offered are increasing; accordingly, the present research analyses opportunities to raise the competitiveness of social network services. The research aim is to perform an examination of the features of social networks in Latvia for ensuring the competitiveness of the social networks.

The research focused on the social networking features of and the opportunities offered by the following social networks: draugiem.lv, facebook.com, ok.ru, vk.com.

The research employed the following methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the monographic method, document analysis, the graphic method and the sociological method – a survey.

The competitiveness of social networks is mainly determined by the functional diversity and innovations of the social networks. Any social network company has to use innovations to outperform its competitors in an oversaturated market by means of providing new networking features.


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