exclusive rights, intellectual property rights, piracy, plagiarismAbstract
The search for a balance of interests of right holders and users, legal means for the exclusive rights enforcement in the conditions of the development of new technologies, the problems of protection of intellectual property are considered in the paper. At the present time intellectual property is considered to be one of the most valuable assets of a business. Possessors of rights can secure their loans using their intellectual property as collateral. The authors claim that the Latvian legal and regulatory framework does not cover essential issues. The aim of the research is to explore and identify the importance of intellectual property rights in business. The following tasks were set to achieve the aim: to explore the theoretical aspects of intellectual property rights, to identify possibilities for intellectual property development in business. The following scientific research methods are used in the paper: the development of intellectual property rights in commercial law is investigated with the help of the descriptive method; the systemic method is used to analyse national legal norms in conjunction with international documents and recommendations; the comparative method has been used to study models of intellectual property rights.Downloads
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