
  • Ēriks Kalvāns Rezekne Academy of Tehnologies (LV)



gender, happiness, level of education, material assurance, social activity


The aim of this scientific research article is to describe the structure of the Latgale inhabitants’ feeling of happiness, the influencing socio-demographic factors, as well as the presentation of socio-demographic portraits of the happy and unhappy Latgale inhabitants. A key concept of „happiness” is used in this publication. The theoretical interpretation of the happiness phenomenon is based on the findings of positive psychology, according to which happiness is defined as a life satisfaction and positive evaluation of his life and positive emotions over negative emotions. As the research base Latgale region has been chosen because this is the region of Latvia with the lowest socio-economic development, which is considered one of the poorest regions in the European Union - so it acquires a special topicality of welfare problem, the most important aspect of happiness. „Oxford happiness questionnaire” adapted by the author to Latvian culture and socio-demographic survey, were used in the research paper. It was found out that essential socio-demographic factors influencing the Latgale habitants’ feeling of happiness are a social activity, a material assurance, gender and level of education.


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How to Cite

Kalvāns, Ēriks. (2016). THE STRUCTURE OF LATGALE INHABITANTS’ FEELING OF HAPPINESS AND ITS SOCIO- DEMOGRAPHIC DETERMINATES. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 5-13.