
  • Carl Chr. Bachke University of Agder




16 parents with offspring with ID were interviewed, using a guide that asks for their experiences of the naming the ID-diagnosis, of different labels that have been used, of how labels have changed during the last half century, of how they explain label-changes, and of whether some of the explanations might be considered substantial. Generally there is an overlap with findings of similar studies among professionals. However, parents add new nuances and emphasize in a more thorough way the substantiality of two causal explanations of the changes: the impact of ethical training and the influence of users


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How to Cite

Bachke, C. C. (2013). “ALL TERMS HAVE A NEGATIVE APPENDIX” PARENTS OF OFFSPRING WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY (ID) AND THEIR EXPERIENCES WITH NAMING THIS DIAGNOSIS – AN INTERVIEW STUDY. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 15-31. https://doi.org/10.17770/ercs2013.2167