
  • Ilga Prudnikova Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)




experiential learning, Home Economics and its Technologies, Individual Educational Programs, Special Education Curriculum, , students with disabilities


A review of current and past theories of cognitive development focusing on the role of experiential learning is linked to implications for practice as well as to current Latvian policies and national directions. As can be seen, learning through practice is made up of several phases of experiences which impact on the student’s with disabilities motivation, skills and attitudes which lead to new learning. As well the subject, Home Economics and its Technologies is used as an example of an experiential learning structure which utilises previous experiences to enhance current and future learning


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How to Cite

Prudnikova, I. (2013). WHY USE PRACTICAL TASKS AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 57-65. https://doi.org/10.17770/ercs2013.2170