
  • Austra Reihenova Daugavpils University (LV)



types of research, research learning, research learning skills, mathematical training skills, problem solving, math lessons


One of the most important tasks of education is to develop research skills aimed at the students' research activity in the study process. Involving students in research activities will enable them to learn to invent, understand and learn new knowledge, to argue their thoughts, to make decisions, to develop their interests and to realize opportunities. The theoretical basis of the study is the learning cognitive and constructivist approach. The topicality of the article relates to the transformations to be made in the education system, as the education system in Latvia and its content have to change. The aim of the article is to raise the issue of the goals of the productive activity of the mathematical school subject and the development of research skills, so that the pupil can transfer the knowledge and skills acquired creatively to solving problem situations of related subjects. The questionnaire of teachers and pupils with open questions, as well as research work in mathematics by students, are used in the article for obtaining data. Data analysis is a case study analysis method.


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How to Cite

Reihenova, A. (2018). SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ TYPES OF THINKING IN LEARNING MATHS. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 2, 56-75.