
  • Pāvels Jurs Liepaja University (LV)
  • Alīda Samuseviča Liepaja University (LV)



civic education, civic participation, school, student, teacher, upbringing


This publication is focused on important components of civic education. During the reformation of the educational system these components are becoming important elements of the improvement of civic participation. By gathering the knowledge of various theoretical approaches the authors of the work discover the preconditions for the phenomena of the formation of civic participation and its importance in the pedagogical process of comprehensive schools. Although the question of civic society is internally complicated, the context of the Latvian political reality creates a need for a dimension of civic participation. Living in our rapidly changing time and knowing the importance of civic participation which depends on each individual, it is important to bring more attention on the improvement of civic education in comprehensive schools by enriching and structuring the educational content. As a result, the enriched educational content, containing strengthened aspects of civic participation next to a balanced learning of theoretical knowledge and practical competence, would promote the upbringing of a civically active, nationally thinking, competent person that is able to take responsibilities and that is crucial for the long term development of the country.


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How to Cite

Jurs, P., & Samuseviča, A. (2015). CIVIC PARTICIPATION – IMPROVEMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 75-84.