electromyography, local vibrostimulation, rowersAbstract
Local vibrostimulation (further in text - LV) is innovation as a part of training method that helps athletes to regain the power and get ready for next training faster. There are many discussions about how to increase moving speed in rowers. Many scientists research the possibilities of increasing moving speed in this sport. The following methods were used in the study: tests – Concept-2, LV manipulations, electromyography and mathematical statistics. The electromyography was made with Biometric LTD. LV manipulations were done to the muscles erector spinae, latisimus dorsi, teres major, teres minor, trapezius, infraspinatus, deltoideus, slenius capitis, triceps brachii, gluteus maximus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, semimembranosus, castrocnemius, tendo calcaneus, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, tensor fascia latae, vastus medialis, sarterius, ligamentum patellae, tibialis anterior, rectus abdominis, pectoralis major and biceps brachii. We using 100 Hz frequency, 2 – 4 mm amplitude and different pressure on the muscles. The total LV application time was 5 to 20 min. The obtained data were processed using mathematical statistics. The results: having stated the result difference before LV and after it. The results testify significant improvement of Concept-2 tests results and electromyography results, what is showed by the difference of the mean results. Comparing the results of the rowers of EG and CG they have differences in the left side muscle latissimus dorsi after the t-test where p>0.05, but stating the percentage of the mean result difference of this muscle it was found out that p>0.05 what also shows significant changes in the muscle biopotential (mV).References
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