
  • Beata Wolosiuk Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska (PL)
  • Marzena Ruszkowska Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska (PL)
  • Sebastian Sobczuk Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska (PL)
  • Piotr Zdunkiewicz Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska (PL)



communication, foster care, speech, speech development


The aim of the article was the analysis of the problem of speech development in care and educational institutions and family-run children’s houses. Speech plays an important role in our life. The ability of speaking properly enables people to form interpersonal communication. Due to our speech, we can express our thoughts, feelings and experience. Thus, it is crucial to stimulate a child’s verbal communication from the earliest years. Speech development, which has a genetical basis and depends on innate attributes, is possible only in the context of the social environment. The aim of the study was the analysis of the problem of verbal communication in care and educational institutions and family-run children’s houses in the Lublin province.

The material for the article was created as part of the project "Education, levelling developmental and educational deficiencies of children under the care of family-run children’s houses as well as the educational care centre". The project was implemented by the Department of Pedagogy of Higher State School in Biała Podlaska.

There were used two methods in the research: diagnostic survey and study of individual cases. The following questionnaires were used: proprietary questionnaires for charges, interview questionnaires with educators of educational care centres and family houses, an observation sheet and interviews with coordinators and directors of the examined institutions.

The occurrence of numerous problems refer to the development of verbal communication both in care and educational centers and family-run children’s houses. This function is performed more advantageous in a family home.




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How to Cite

Wolosiuk, B., Ruszkowska, M., Sobczuk, S., & Zdunkiewicz, P. (2019). SUPPORTING THE SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN STAYING IN FOSTER CARE. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 146-155.