
  • Irina Tarkhanova Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (RU)
  • Irena Upeniece Rīga Stradiņš University (LV)
  • Voldemārs Arnis Rīga Stradiņš University (LV)



digital age, health, health care, youth


The research is devoted to the actual problem of health saving/preservation/. The change in the social situation associated with the spread of digital technologies has led to the emergence of new opportunities and new risks in socialization. The high rhythm of life leads to frequent stress. Frequent stress causes disease and anxiety. In such conditions, the competence of health saving becomes important. The research is dedicated to revealing the peculiarities of attitudes to a healthy lifestyle among modern youth. The novelty of the research is to consider health from the standpoint of the concept of wellbeing, which meets the needs of modern youth. The request for wellbeing is reflected in the fact that people are looking for activities, products, services that create an internal balance, despite the employment and fast pace of life. The research was conducted by the method of questioning students of two universities - Yaroslavl state pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky and Riga Stradin University. The study involved 635 people, 315 students from Latvia and 320 students from Russia. The study obtained new scientific data on the desire of young citizens of Russia and Latvia to preserve health. It is revealed that young citizens of Latvia and Russia adequately assess their lifestyle: health-saving behavior of students wishing to maintain health is significantly different from the behavior of students who do not lead a healthy lifestyle.



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How to Cite

Tarkhanova, I., Upeniece, I., & Arnis, V. (2019). HEALTH CARE AS A UNIVERSAL COMPETENCE OF THE DIGITAL AGE. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 4, 301-311.