barriers, parents, school, special education needs, studentsAbstract
The principles of inclusive education have been orientating the ways of working with children and young people with special educational needs for many years. Nevertheless, it is difficult to change the process of modifying the teachers’ thinking about a student with disabilities or deficits in the aspect of teaching him in a state school. In 2017, legal acts in Poland were modified to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to pupils with special educational needs. However, the Ombudsman for Children received many letters from parents of students who gave examples of violations of their rights at school. Therefore, in 2018 a survey was conducted among parents on the difficulties encountered by their children while studying at school. The research results revealed some irregularities both in the aspect of teaching methods which were applied to children and the cooperation of teachers with parents and other specialists. On this basis, it was possible to identify barriers to inclusive education in Polish schools.References
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