
  • Kristaps Zvejnieks Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LV)
  • Agita Abele Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LV)



alpine skiing, anxiety, competition effectiveness, psychological skills, self-regulation


Alpine skiing is the kind of sport where there is little time for proving athletes’ abilities – the number of attempts is so low that each of the smallest mistakes reflects highly on the result of the participant. The aim of this study is to extend the knowledge of psychological preparation in Alpine skiing at a high performance level. This Article presents results of the research, which focused on the relationship between Alpine skier’s competition effectiveness and their competition anxiety levels, along with selected methods of emotional condition self-regulation before the start. The research is based on studying the world’s top athletes, who participated in an international alpine skiing race at least 6 times per season. The research is based on theoretical materials and empirical investigation, where 86 of the world’s top 200 ranked alpine skiers participated in a test and filling out of a questionnaire about their preparation for competition. The obtained results testify that most high-ranking athletes have created their own individual system of psychological skills, which contains both somatic and cognitive means of controlling emotional states. Usually only a few anxiety reduction methods are picked by athletes, depending on their self-evaluated emotional state before a given competition. A link between competition anxiety levels and an Alpine skier’s competition effectiveness is generally confirmed. Research results show that top Alpine skiers’ competition effectiveness will be better if anxiety levels are low or moderate, and the results will improve if the self-regulation of pre-start emotional states is based on practised adapted breathing, self-inspiration, visualisation and ideomotor methods.



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How to Cite

Zvejnieks, K., & Abele, A. (2019). PRE-START ANXIETY SELF-REGULATION METHODS OF TOP ALPINE SKIERS. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 4, 312-320.