The Culture House of Rezekne City National Societies – a Sample of Stalin's Architecture in Latvia


  • Diāna Apele Rēzeknes Augstskola (LV)
  • Andra Irbīte



"Stalinist architecture", construction processes, cinema "Zvaigzne", Culture house of National Societies, Rezekne


The article analyzes the architecture of the Stalin’s era in the Soviet Union, as well as it identifies and analyzes building processes in Rezekne in the fifties, providing a historical evaluation of the credibility of the research. In the research there have been used theoretical research methods: the research of sector-related literature, internet resources and archival documents and qualitative research methods: expert interviews and witness accounts. Triangulation of methods ensures credibility of the research.

The goal of the study: to describe the architecture of the Stalin’s era in the Soviet Union, to explore and analyze the construction process in Rezekne in the fifties of the 20th century and to provide a historical evaluation of the Culture House of Rezekne National Societies (former cinema "Zvaigzne").



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How to Cite

Apele, D., & Irbīte, A. (2015). The Culture House of Rezekne City National Societies – a Sample of Stalin’s Architecture in Latvia. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2, 351-360.