
  • Velga Sudraba Riga Stradiņš university (LV)
  • Ilze Strīķe Riga Stradiņš university (LV)



D type personality, negative affectivity, social inhibition, students


Type D personality is characterized by the synergic effects of two persistent personality traits: negative affectivity combined with simultaneous suppression of these emotions in social situations to avoid disapproval or rejection. Type D personality traits are more prominent in certain professions and specialties, including assistance and care, which affect both behavior and problem solving in many ways, resulting in emotionally focused problem solving and avoidance style. The aim of the study - determine the relationship between Type D personality traits and problem-solving skills in students. Research question: Is there a correlation between Type D personality traits and problem-solving skills? 160 students from two faculties of Rīga Stradiņš University participated in the study - Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare and Faculty of Rehabilitation. The permission from the Ethics Committee of Rīga Stradiņš University was obtained to do the research. Data were obtained electronically in May 2019. Three surveys were used in the research: Three questionnaires are used in the study: demographic questionnaire, DS14: Standard Assessment of Negative Affectivity, Social Inhibition, and Type D Personality and Problem Solving Inventory. The study found a statistically significant positive correlation between the level of social inhibition and the level of negative affectivity, there is a statistically significant positive correlation between the level of problem solving and the level of avoidance style, there is a statistically significant negative correlation between the age of the respondents and the level of negative affectivity and there is a statistically significant positive correlation between the level of negative affectivity and the level of problem solving.


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How to Cite

Sudraba, V., & Strīķe, I. (2020). CORRELATION BETWEEN TYPE D PERSONALITY TRAITS AND PROBLEM SOLVING IN STUDENTS. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 6, 391-400.