Values in the World View of Vocational School Students


  • Inese Augškalne
  • Beatrise Garjāne
  • Jānis Rozenblats



personal values, personality formation, professional values, vocational education, world view.


The goal of the vocational education is not only to provide the economy with qualified professionals, but also to promote personal development of vocational school students, their motivation, critical thinking, responsibility, values. Values make core of the human world view. In educational perspective, values and world view position the vocational school graduate as a person and professional who is aware of the meaning of life and able to achieve constructive goals in his/ her life. Therefore the study is characterizing personal and professional values as a significant component in the world view of vocational school students in the long term perspective (1998-2013). The results of the research on the process of formation of professional values in Riga Technical High School (1998) and Riga Technical College (2013) and vocational school students world view (2012) have been contrasted and analysed. The results of the study stress the necessity of actualization of the value of profession acquired in the vocational school student’s experience during vocational education.


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How to Cite

Augškalne, I., Garjāne, B., & Rozenblats, J. (2015). Values in the World View of Vocational School Students. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 174-184.