Aspects of the professional development of the artist – educator
art, artist, education, pedagogueAbstract
The article reveals the involvement of the artist – pedagogue into the process of education and some important interconnected aspects of professional qualification development. Alongside with that, the tendencies of the epoch and activity orientation of the artist – pedagogue in accordance with Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030 have been characterized. Involvement of a professional artist in the pedagogical process demands to acquire pedagogical science: significant aspects of teaching and upbringing. The article deals with components and functions of the concept of education, revealing its characteristic features in nowadays society and giving insight into the future system of education. The dynamics of the artist – pedagogue forms of qualification development. As a result, the conclusions have been worked out. The aim of the research is to reflect the aspects of the artist – pedagogue professional development, based on docoments analysis, on the findings of pedagogues, art historians and survey of artists – pedagogues.References
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