Family Education as an Element to Improve Quality of Life of Children with Special Needs


  • Iveta Kokle-Narbuta



Children with special needs, family education, inclusive environment, quality of life


The current research aims to analyse the importance of family education in improving life quality of children with special needs. Nowadays our society aim for sustainable development which means equal rights and possibilities for all the citizens but reality shows a different situation, especially it concerns children with special needs. Family education could be one of possible ways how to improve the quality of life. In the current article the author looks on family education as a solution of some problems which have children with special needs through the prism of inclusive environment and sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Kokle-Narbuta, I. (2015). Family Education as an Element to Improve Quality of Life of Children with Special Needs. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2, 184-191.