Learning the Song Lyrics Through the Movement in Music Teaching for the Pupils aged 6-7


  • Iveta Kepule




movements, imitation of movements, reading literacy, music teaching, perception of music, imitation of characters’ actions


Good reading literacy is one of the basic social and economic requirements for the society of the 21st century. Not all pupils have sufficient reading literacy starting the first grade. Poor reading literacy does not allow the pupils to synthesize melody with the lyrics successfully ; pupils concentrate on reading the lyrics but not on the reproduction of sound and melody in specific rhythm and pitch. The aim of the research is to develop specific methodological techniques for learning the song lyrics through the movement, in order to improve the singing skills of the pupils during the integrated process of music teaching, taking into consideration the modern social processes. The methods of the research: the article reflected the analysis of scientific literature, the opinions are based on the use of the author teaching experience. The article provides a standpoint and practical experience for learning the song lyrics in combination with movements, gestures and mimics.


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How to Cite

Kepule, I. (2015). Learning the Song Lyrics Through the Movement in Music Teaching for the Pupils aged 6-7. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 457-466. https://doi.org/10.17770/sie2013vol1.576