
  • Jelena Zascerinska Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Anastasija Aleksejeva Centre for Education and  Innovation Research (LV)
  • Mihails Zascerinskis Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Irina Abjalkiene Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)




all language as the unity, conceptual change, cross-sectoral approach, digitalized educational process, educational contents, OST (out-of-school time) providers, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)


The complexity of the STEM education ecosystem at all the educational levels has been risen by the COVID-19 pandemic. The search for a sustainable ecosystem leads to the cross-sectoral approach to STEM education. A sustainable STEM education ecosystem is also characterized by the coherence between the STEM education levels. The research aims at creating a theoretical model of the multi-perspective design of STEM education within a cross-sectoral approach for identifying the implications for further research on the cross-sectoral STEM education. The qualitative research was carried out. Research data were collected through the analysis of published research works. Content analysis was used for the analysis of the collected data. The theoretical novelty of the cross-sectoral STEM education is indicated: the structure and phases of STEM Education implementation and multi-perspective design. The exploratory research allows widening the traditional boundaries of the STEM education (teacher-content-student) with the concepts of educational discipline, conceptual change, all language as the unity, the digitalised educational process, and the cross-sectoral approach. The research is novel in the implications for further research on the cross-sectoral STEM education.


Supporting Agencies
The presented work has been carried out within the Project NPHZ-2021/10050 “STEM COIL for Greener Sustainable Ecosystems, Igniting Global Classrooms” supported by Nordplus Horizontal 2021


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How to Cite

Zascerinska, J., Aleksejeva, A., Zascerinskis, M., & Abjalkiene, I. (2022). A CROSS-SECTORAL APPROACH TO STEM EDUCATION: A MULTI-PERSPECTIVE DESIGN. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 846-856. https://doi.org/10.17770/sie2022vol1.6817