
  • Ilona Ābele Riga East Clinical University Hospital (RAKUS), Riga (LV)
  • Laura Vīksna Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, P. Stradiņš Medical College, University of Latvia (LV)
  • Dagnija Gulbe Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, P. Stradiņš Medical College, University of Latvia (LV)
  • Līga Skuja-Petruševiča Riga East Clinical University Hospital (RAKUS), Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia (LV)



competence in perioperative care, modified PPCS-R, operating theatre nurses (OTN), psychometric scale, self-assessed competence level


Assessment of competence level of operating theatre nurses (OTN) has a significant role in ensuring patient safety, continuity of perioperative care, and positive care environment, allowing to identify shortcomings and address them. The competence level describes quantitatively the competence in perioperative care — a set of skills, attitudes, and knowledge required for effective and safe perioperative care. A simple method to assess the competence level is a self-assessment scale; however, this method has not been used in Latvia to establish the OTN competence level

The goal of this work is to determine the perceived level of competence in the perioperative care of OTN in a multi-profile hospital in Latvia. For this purpose, a modified perioperative competence self-assessment scale was used, based on Gillespie’s (2012) Perceived Perioperative Competence Scale-Revised (PPCS-R). The results show that OTN have a high perceived level of competence. However, the leadership subscale (which includes coordination and management) displayed lower levels of perceived competence, which shows the insufficiency of training. The results also show that certified OTN, those with more work experience, and OTN with a Bachelor’s degree have a higher perceived competence level. The scale adapted to Latvian exhibits equally good internal consistency as other versions of PPCS-R.

Supporting Agencies
The authors wish to thank P.Stradiņš Medical College, University of Latvia for funding.


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How to Cite

Ābele, I., Vīksna, L., Gulbe, D., & Skuja-Petruševiča, L. (2022). SELF-ASSESSMENT OF OPERATING THEATRE NURSE COMPETENCE IN PERIOPERATIVE CARE. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 710-720.