Children with Visual Imparments in the Transition Period from Preschool to Primary School


  • Ilga Prudņikova Rezeknes University of Applied Sciences (LV)
  • Jekaterīna Jankovska Rezeknes University of Applied Sciences (LV)



primary education, transition from pre-school – primary school, special needs, visual impairments


In today`s educational system, the transition from pre-school to primary school is considered as a traditional, however, the transition between education is related to a change in the child`s life. Preschool children`s readiness for school has always been a pressing problem for both: in school practice and in theory of pedagogy. This paper analyses the key theories, dealing with child development and learning processes, interaction with others and surrounding environment impacts on child development. A new perspective, which is closely related to these previously mentioned theories, is equivalent to the ecosystem approach, with is defined as a new approach with a view on children`s with visual impairments transition „pre-school – primary school” successful overcoming is needed on planned and targeted support.


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How to Cite

Prudņikova, I., & Jankovska, J. (2015). Children with Visual Imparments in the Transition Period from Preschool to Primary School. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 97-105.