Pedagogical Conditions for Organization of Self-regulation Based Study Process


  • Pauls Jurjāns Turiba University (LV)
  • Andra Fernāte Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LV)



pedagogical conditions for study process organizat, self-regulation in study process


Global trends of modern society are directed to individuals’ active involvement in socializations processes by letting it take a role as sovereign, self-determination orientated subject. To let this process pass as successful as it should, it’s necessary already in the process of learning to devote the favorable conditions. Self-regulation as progression impeller for purposeful personality is significant component as well in professional as in educational process. Self-regulation in closes self-evaluation, judgment formation and self-reactions, which could be developed and mobilized to make changes in individuals’ self-management. Research target is to find out pedagogical conditions for organization of self-regulation based study process, by analyzing self-regulations theoretical aspects and expressions.


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How to Cite

Jurjāns, P., & Fernāte, A. (2015). Pedagogical Conditions for Organization of Self-regulation Based Study Process. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 123-132.