Pedagogical Environment for Strengthening of Child Health


  • Sandra Ivanova University of Latvia, Pedagogy, Psychology and Art Faculty (LV)



preschool educational institution, preschool educational process, the environment, the teaching environment, pedagogical environment in preschool, child’s healthy lifestyle


Preservation and strengthening of human health problem is acute in the world and in our country. Implementation of the preschool education program, one of the tasks is to strengthen and to protect the child's safety and health. The program does not set, unfortunately, at the child's healthy lifestyle habits. It only indirectly provides life without harmful habits valuable skills and implementation, in co-operation with the children's parents. It also said the aim: to attempt to develop pedagogical environment, preschool educational institution for the definition of a healthy lifestyle and to update its structure.


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How to Cite

Ivanova, S. (2015). Pedagogical Environment for Strengthening of Child Health. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 562-569.