
  • Evija Latkovska University of Latvia (LV)
  • Lūcija Rutka University of Latvia (LV)



Pedagogical activity, self-assessment, self-assessment of pedagogical activity, student teachers


In professional growth of teachers, self-assessment of the pedagogical activity is a precondition for their effective practice therefore student teachers are encouraged to carry out self-assessment of the pedagogical activity already at the beginning of their studies. In order to make self-assessment of student teachers’ pedagogical activity more productive, it is important to find out a theoretical concept of self-assessment of student teachers’ pedagogical activity and to understand what impacts self-assessment of their pedagogical activity in practice. In the due course of the analysis of the scientific literature definition and functions of self-assessment of student teachers’ pedagogical activity, definition, functions, criteria and indicators of the self-assessment skill of student teachers’ pedagogical activity are formulated and as a result of the empirical research preconditions for successful self-assessment of student teachers’ pedagogical activity are revealed.


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