Internal Quality Assurance for Higher Education Study Programme


  • Agnese Līgotne University of Latvia (LV)



study programme internal quality, quality assurance cycle, assessment criteria, significance of criteria, The Analytic Hierarchy Process


Quality assurance for study programme is necessary precondition to realize qualitative higher education. Quality assessment is important part of quality assurance cycle. There are used different methodologies, assessment criteria and indicators to assess the higher education quality. It is clear that the assessment results which study programme will be better or worse are detected by the choice of criteria. It is difficult to find objective criteria which could be used universally for all study programme types. The aim of the research is to investigate quality assurance cycle for study programme quality and pay main attention to assessment part. The aim of assessment part is to select criteria quality assessment, what characterizes main aspects for internal quality of study programme. These criteria are important preconditions for quality assurance.


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How to Cite

Līgotne, A. (2015). Internal Quality Assurance for Higher Education Study Programme. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 173-183.