
  • Rita Virbalienė Vilniaus Kolegija / Higher Education Institution (VIKO) (LT)
  • Janina Čižikienė Vilniaus Kolegija / Higher Education Institution (VIKO) (LT)



innovations, organizations providing social services, social services


This article analyzes that when solving social problems, most welfare states choose a social security system model in which social service organizations provide professional services and help ensure the well-being of residents in the community. Social challenges require changes and new solutions in the activities of organizations providing social services, which can help solve emerging social problems by offering service recipients new forms of social services. The purpose of the article is to reveal the prerequisites for the application of innovative methods for the solution of social problems and the implementation of the application of new managerial practices in organizations providing social services. Applied research methods - analysis of scientific literature, interviews of social workers, analysis and interpretation of research results. The article provides a review of the scientific literature and research data that reveal the desire of social workers to apply modern technologies in social work, which help to discover new work methods and managerial practices in the social services sector. The pursuit of innovation in organizations providing social services ensures a favorable atmosphere for the creativity of employees and service recipients and provides an opportunity for the continuous improvement of employees in the organization.



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How to Cite

Virbalienė, R., & Čižikienė, J. (2024). PREREQUISITES FOR THE APPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE METHODS IN SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 820-830.