healthy lifestyle, physical activity, university students, wellnessAbstract
Statistics on healthy lifestyle habits of Latvian population indicate that the number of adults who engage in sufficient physical activity is decreasing, and also for university students the succession of minimum physical activity is not fully ensured. Latvian National Development and Sports Policy Guidelines (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2022), as well as other binding health policy documents contain references towards the need to support the healthy lifestyle and wellness of university students, especially highlighting the insufficient level of physical activity and emotional wellness among Latvian population, including students. The problem issue exists in the long-term spectrum, and for various reasons it is only partially possible to implement in universities the measures stated in policy documents. The aim of the study: to analyse students' healthy lifestyle habits and wellness dynamics over four years of studies, assessing the dynamics of healthy lifestyle habits and wellness level depending on the year of study, students' age and the study programme. In each academic year, the first- and second-year students were involved in the survey, a total of N=455 respondents. Research methodology: a tailored survey (Robbins, et.al., 2011), students' self-assessment of healthy lifestyle habits and levels of physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and job wellness, 86 questions in total. The results of the study indicate a decreasing tendency for the indicators of physical activity and emotional wellness, and statistically significant differences in the indicators of mental and emotional wellness can be observed depending on the age of students. No statistically significant differences were found depending on the study programme.
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