students, subjective well-being, adaptation, demographic factors, gender, social relations, health, material condition, stress.Abstract
This scientific article analyzes the level of subjective well-being of students of Rēzekne Academy of Technology (RTA) and the main factors affecting this phenomenon. The need for such studies is justified by the latest studies in various countries, which show that nowadays the prevalence and severity of mental problems among young people and early adulthood is increasing. Taken together, these studies show that students are increasingly experiencing symptoms of increased anxiety and stress, as well as depression. Thus, the deterioration of the subjective well-being of young students is a big challenge in modern universities.
The purpose of the empirical study: to investigate the level of subjective well-being of students in relation to certain demographics, as well as to determine the factors that significantly influence this phenomenon in the student environment.
The analysis of scientific literature and empirical results is used as a basic method in the development of the article.
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