in-service training, lifelong learning, professional developmentAbstract
The development of the world of technology implies the continuous improvement of adult knowledge and the acquisition of new knowledge. Today's rapid development of artificial intelligence and technology is replacing several professions where a robotic process replaces the human factor. To be competitive in the labor market, an employee needs to continuously improve his or her existing knowledge or even learn a new profession, while for a company to be active and up-to-date in its sector, it is necessary not only to develop technologically but also to educate its employees. The aim of the study: to explore the possibilities for improving the professional development and lifelong learning model based on the existing learning model in the institution - X. The basis for the study the employees of the institution X, who are in a continuous learning process, both in the context of professional development and lifelong learning. Research methods: theoretical literature review and empirical research method-survey. The research data show that the training model at the institution X is developed on the principle of non-formal education and corresponds to the main ideas of lifelong learning; the problematic issues are related to the high volume of work, which results in the respondents’ inability to fully participate in new in-service training courses and the content being repeated; also, no survey is conducted among the employees of the institution X before the training content is developed. On the other hand, a higher percentage of respondents join additional training courses offered and are positive about the courses where participation is required. The survey data shows that staff members are familiar with the content of the mandatory training courses as well as with the additional training courses offered for both professional and personal development, where a higher percentage of respondents apply the knowledge acquired in their daily work.
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