
  • Malte Delere TU Dortmund University (DE)
  • Hanna Höfer TU Dortmund University (DE)
  • Gudrun Marci-Boehncke TU Dortmund University (DE)




Video-Based Reflection, UDL, Teacher Education


Teacher education needs innovative formats to meet the enormous challenge posed to schools by society's demand for inclusion. Teachers must be both competent and willing to involve all students in their lessons in the best possible way. One format for imparting both relevant knowledge and associated professional attitudes can be the reflection of taped teaching sequences. These are able to reflect the complexity of teaching in such a way that a particularly productive analysis can be carried out. The study aims to explore the potential of using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL; german version by Kremsner, Proyer, and Baesch 2020) as a framework for inclusion orientation in reflecting on videographed instructional sequences. We use qualitative analysis of recordings of a video-based accessible reflection task for 16 master students groups. The students were part of a preparatory seminar for the practical phase in the Master's program. The heterogeneous results indicate that using the UDL reveals multiple difficulties for the students due to its general structure and the German translation utilised. Furthermore, we identify that framing the reflection tasks in the context of inclusive didactics is essential for students' acquisition of competencies.

Supporting Agencies
This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under Grant 16DHB2130X.


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How to Cite

Delere, M., Höfer, H., & Marci-Boehncke, G. (2024). A MATTER OF TRANSLATION? UDL AS FRAMEWORK FOR STUDENT TEACHER’S VIDEO ANALYSIS. Education. Innovation. Diversity., 1(8), 28-40. https://doi.org/10.17770/eid2024.1.8244