inclusive education, special educational needs, mainstream primary schoolsAbstract
The importance of inclusive education for the education system and more effective social inclusion of students with special educational needs (SEN) and care for its quality in schools is an issue raised both in Europe and more widely at international level. In 2017, a modification of legal provisions in the field of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to pupils with special educational needs in Poland was introduced. A year later, the Children’s Ombudsman conducted a diagnostic survey, which aimed at getting to know parents’ opinions about the state of inclusive education and the support offered to pupils with SEN in mainstream schools. The obtained data suggest that in the opinion of parents76 schools participating in the study, situation of SEN students can be assessed as satisfactory. Nearly 80% of children attend schools in the vicinity of their place of residence. The teachers and specialists employed in schools are rather well prepared to work with pupils with SEN, they often implement recommendations contained in the opinions issued by psychological and pedagogical counseling centers.References
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