6. Action to be Taken in the Event of Unethical Behavior
- If an ethical violation is found, it should be reported to an editor-in-chief of a scientific journal. The reporter must provide substantiated evidence of the misconduct in order for an investigation to be launched.
- The initial investigation is carried out by an editor-in-chief. Confidentiality must be respected when gathering evidence and supporting facts.
- No investigation is required in the case of a minor infringement. For any infringement found, an author must be given the opportunity to provide an explanation.
- In the event of serious misconduct, an editor-in-chief of a scientific journal, in consultation with SPMD, decides whether to contact the author's employer or to conduct further investigations involving external experts.
- If a serious ethical violation is found, an editor-in-chief of a scientific journal, in consultation with SPMD, shall submit the evidence and supporting facts to the RTA Ethics Commission for consideration, proposing one of the following measures:
- an author or reviewer is informed of the unethical behavior and receives a written warning,
- an information letter is sent to the author's or reviewer's place of employment,
- the author's or reviewer's place of employment is contacted and a publication is withdrawn from a scientific journal and its indexing databases,
- an editor-in-chief, in consultation with SPMD, shall determine the period during which the author's papers will not be accepted for publication,
- a report on the violation and its consequences shall be drawn up and sent to the relevant professional body or higher authority for further investigation and action.
COPE Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing
Code of Ethics for Scientists (2.9-2.14) of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. https://www.lza.lv/par-mums/pamatdokumenti/64-zinatnieka-etikas-kodekss
RTA Regulations on Academic Integrity. https://rulv.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BA372CC07-4EE4-477B-8C90-F8725151AD03%7D&file=Noteikumi%20par%20akad%C4%93misko%20god%C4%ABgumu%2020221129.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true
RTU Press Publication Ethics Guidelines. https://www.rtu.lv/lv/zinatne/publikacijas/rtu-izdevniecibas-publikaciju-etikas-vadlinijas