
  • Baiba Ūbele Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)



writing skills, students with mild or moderate mental disorders, methodical recommendations, primary school


The acquisition of writing skills is influenced by several factors related to a student’s physical and mental development, the environment in which they grow up and learn, as well as the attitudes of others. If any of these factors are disrupted or absent, individual work and various methods employed by special education teachers should be applied to support students with mild or moderate mental disorders in primary school classes in developing their writing skills.
The research was conducted with the aim of theoretically and practically analysing the possibilities for developing the writing skills of primary school students with mild or moderate mental disorders in an educational institution that implements a program for students with these conditions.
In the course of the study, findings on the acquisition of writing skills for students with mild or moderate mental disorders were analysed. The study investigated the characteristics of students with mild or moderate mental disorders in the pedagogical process and the necessary prerequisites for literacy development. It analysed literature and identified the difficulties students with mental disorders face in acquiring writing skills. Additionally, methods and techniques to support the development of these skills were deliberated, and a methodological tool for writing skill development was created. The research is based on document analysis, the evaluation of results from the use of developed methodological materials, and the analysis of interviews with teachers of five primary school students with mild or moderate mental disorders attending X Primary School, which implements special education programs.
As a result of the research, it was concluded that in the modern era, less and less time is devoted to various basic skills. One such skill that the digital age has begun to replace is writing. Students lag behind in writing skills. This requires increased attention from preschool age. Special attention should be paid to the learning of writing skills for children who have mental disorders and prerequisites for the promotion of writing skills must be developed in all subjects, as well as learning should be done in a differentiated manner.


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How to Cite

Ūbele, B. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF WRITING SKILLS OF STUDENTS WITH MILD OR MODERATE MENTAL DISORDERS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. Education Reform: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 2, 62-75.